Saturday, July 07, 2007

It's Once Again all Suz's Fault :)

Scattergories - harder than it looks!
If you want to tag yourself, go for it.
Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following.
Your Name: - Wendy
1. Famous singer/band: The Who
2. 4 letter word: Well @#$%
3. Street name: West Street
4. Color: White
5. Gifts/Presents: wrapped goodies
6. Vehicle: Wave Runner
7. Things in a souvenir shop: Water glasses
8. Boy name: William
9. Girl name: Winnifred
10. Movie title: White Christmas
11. Drink: Wassail
12. Occupation: Web Designer
13. Flower: Wisteria
14. Celebrity: Wil Wheaten
15. Magazine: Wired
16. U.S. city: Williamsburg
17. Pro sports teams: Wizards
18. Fruit/vegetable: Walnut
19. Reason late for work: Went to the ER
20. Something you throw away: Wet napkins
21. Things you shout: Woot!
22. Cartoon character: Wataru

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