Thursday, December 04, 2003

The Topic For Today is GAH!

I've come to the astounding conclusion (tounge in cheek of course) that people on this mountain aren't mentally ill, they're just ill mannered. I had a client today walk up to my desk and drop her pants to half mast to show me her brand new hysterectomy scar. AHHH!!! I mean really, I put cover up on the small burn mark on my forehead gotten when the cat yanked the curling iron cord while I was doing my bangs, and this nut case is showing the office staff of her mental health professional's office her hysterectomy scar. I think I've been "scarred" for life!

Heard a raucus out in the waiting room yesterday. Went out to see what was going on. Man was asleep across 2 chairs and the endtable where the magazines are kept. No one else could get a magazine nor could they sit down. Guy is snoring like a bear too. I'm not so sure he wasnt drooling as well.


Don't even get me started on the fringe people. We have oriental rugs throughout the office ($35 at your local builder supply house) and we actually have clients who get down on their hands and knees, ass crack in the air for all to see, who meticulously straighten out each and every strand of fringe. I mean, really, if their mothers had said "Get off the damn floor, you're flashing everyone, pull your pants up and quit being so strange" they probably wouldn't need to be here.


Then there are the high school seniors who when asked if they are going to college look at me wide eyed and terrified and say "I'm not leaving this mountain ever!" Hello, the nearest Walmart is 25 miles away. How many places on god's green earth actually have a span of 25 miles on each side with no Walmart! RUN FOREST RUN!!! run away from this mountain, go do something with your life!


The counselor comes out and says, Oh, now dear (counselor happens to be my father) and says "These people are friends" he didn't take too kindly to my "If this is the best I can do for friends, shoot me right now". I mean, in my mind, friends are people you enjoy sharing a glass of wine with, or someone you could see yourself spending an afternoon with and maybe even look forward to it. Friends are people you call when your period is late for crying out loud.


Speaking of which, since when is my reproductive health and my want or not want to have children the local crazy woman's domain to be concerned about. I'm only 30, sure I have a 9 year old. When he graduates from high school I'll be an ancient 39. What the frelling business of hers is it that I'm not pregnant again? Three of my son's last 4 teachers have encouraged me to have another child. HELLO!


Have a nice day.

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