Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'll miss you, Daddy

The man who inhabits the body of the man I have loved as my father for so many years, is not the dad who used to tie my shoes, taught me to ride a bike, and who would sit and talk to me for hours. I won't go into details, but for reasons all my own, today I severed all ties with him. I cry when the phone rings and see is number then listen to the angry message. I ache when I hear him say how the consequences will be dire if I don't do what he wants me to do. I am a mother. I will mother a hurt rock if I think it would do any good. It is who I am. What I am not is a martyr. He doesn't want me around any more and I don't want to be around him. No one can fault me for trying to be a good daughter and love him, care for him, and in general just be a good person in his life. He doesn't want that, he doesn't want to be thought of or taken care of. He doesn't want me around. He wants his own life.

So, dad, God Bless you, Goddess Bless You, and I wish you the brightest, bestest future you can have. I wish you contentment, and I wish you peace.

I love you, daddy. Good Bye

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